What are temple garments?
The temple garment, often called garment, is worn everyday underneath the usual clothes of faithful Church members. It’s actually a pair that is similar to an undershirt and knee-length briefs. Garments come in different styles for women and men, and are available in a variety of fabrics. They are usually white, but Church members on active military duty can wear them in khaki, a light shade of brown with a yellowish tinge.
Why do they matter?
Only adult or senior members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints who have made sacred promises in the temple can wear temple garments. Their purpose is to remind about the commitments made with the Lord in the temple. Aside from being a protective covering for the body, they emphasize the need to dress humbly and to lead a life that’s modest, simple and most of all: Christ-like.
These garments can be considered unique for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, with similar importance with those clothing or piece of dresses worn by other religions. They can be compared to that of a nun’s habit, a priest’s collar, a Jewish yarmulke and prayer shawl, a Muslim skull cap or hajib, or the Sikh’s turban. They carry their own relevance as each of these represents the wearer’s commitment to serve and follow God.
Making a joke out of it or mocking the temple garments by calling them cheap names like “magic underwear”, “super underpants” or the likes, is a big insult and is highly offensive to the Latter-day Saints.

How can I learn more?
To learn more about garments like how they look like, the materials used, and their further importance, read this article on mormonnewsroom.ph. A video on this page includes photographs of temple garments, as well as the clothes worn during ceremonies in the temple.