With Easter approaching, I want to take the opportunity to testify of Christ and define more clearly who He is. Many people think of him only twice a year. Some see Him as a babe in Bethlehem lying in a manger. After Christmas, He is forgotten until Easter when they are reminded of Him hanging on the cross.
Many believe that He is not literally the Son of God. To them, His resurrection from the grave is metaphorical.
I testify that He deserves much more than a passing thought once or twice a year. He is our Savior, the Redeemer of mankind. He is the living Christ who makes possible the resurrection and redemption. Through Him, we can return to our Father in Heaven and live there eternally.
Many believe that He is not literally the Son of God. To them, His resurrection from the grave is metaphorical.
The following scriptures from the Bible explain who He is. I testify of Him, I am His witness.
I Testify of Christ–I am a Christian
1 I testify of the Christ that we learn about in the New Testament.
2 I testify of the Christ that was in the beginning with the Father.
John 1:1
3 I testify of the Christ whose birth was announced by an angel of God.
Matthew 1:20-21
4 I testify of the Christ that was born of the Virgin Mary.
Matthew 1:22-23
5 I testify of the Christ who received his mission from His father.
Matthew 26:42, Luke 2:46-50
6 I testify of the Christ that was baptized in the River Jordan by proper priesthood authority to fulfill all righteousness.
Matthew 3:13-15
I testify of the Christ that we learn about in the New Testament.
7 I testify of the Christ that was testified of, on various occasions, by his father.
Matthew 3:16-17
8 I testify of the Christ who suffered and withstood temptation of every kind.
Matthew 4:1-10
9 I testify of the Christ who talked with His father through prayer and taught the correct way to pray.
Matthew 6:5-13
10 I testify of the Christ who explained the roles of the Godhead.
Matthew 7:21-23, John 14:6
11 I testify of the Christ who asks the Father that we may be one with them, even as they are one.
John 17:20-25
12 I testify of the Christ who worked miracles, healing the sick and raising the dead.
Matthew 8:1-4, John 11:43-44
13 I testify of the Christ who organized his Church with a specific purpose before he was crucified.
Ephesians 4:11-13
14 I testify of the Christ who implemented the sacrament to his apostles.
Matthew 26:26-29
15 I testify of the Christ who taught love and service in his last hours by washing the feet of his apostles.
John 13:1-17
16 I testify of the Christ that took upon himself the sins of the world.
Matthew 1:21
17 I testify of the Christ who suffered in Gethsemane.
Mark 14:32-40
18 I testify of the Christ who was scourged and spit upon for me.
Matthew 26:67
19 I testify of the Christ who proclaimed that He is the Son of God.
Matthew 27:43
20 I testify of the Christ who was crucified on Golgotha.
Matthew 27:33-38
21 I testify of the Christ who reported to his father that his mission was finished.
Luke 23:46, John 19:30
22 I testify of the Christ who was removed from the cross and placed in a borrowed tomb.
Mark 15:42-47
23 I testify of the resurrected Christ that appeared to Mary and hundreds of others.
John 20:11-18

I testify that Jesus the Christ did not begin in the manger and did not end on Golgotha.
24 I testify of the Christ who as a resurrected being, ate with and taught his special witnesses.
Luke 24:38-43
25 I testify of the Christ who promised that the Holy Ghost would come to bear witness to the world that Jesus is the Christ.
John 14:16-18, John 20:19-23
26 I testify of the Christ who ascended into heaven and had angelic witnesses that he would return in like manner.
Acts 1:9-11
27 I testify of the resurrected Christ that communicates to living prophets today.
Amos 3:7, Ephesians 2:13-20
28 I testify of the living Christ who will come to this earth again as promised and rule and reign for 1000 years.
Matthew 24:30-31, John 14:1-4
29 I testify of the central role of Christ in our returning back to the presence of the Father.
John 14:6
30 I testify of the Christ who established the law of witnesses.
Matthew 18:16, 2 Corinthians 13:1
31 I testify those other witnesses exist today in the form of the Old Testament and the Book of Mormon.
Ezekiel 37:15-20
32 I testify that Jesus the Christ did not begin in the manger and did not end on Golgotha.
33 I testify that this is Eternal Life to know the Father and His Son Jesus the Christ whom the Father sent to save the world.
John 17:3