“The most important of the Lord’s work that you will ever do will be the work you do within the walls of your own home.”
President Harold B. Lee
At the Saturday Afternoon session of the 190th General Conference last April, President Dallin H. Oaks of the First Presidency announced the calling of four Filipino brethren among the 58 new Area Seventies. They are Elder Edmar R. Dumas, Elder Norman C. Insong, Elder Jose G. Manarin, and Elder Arlen M. Tumaliuan.
Their official bio will reveal each person’s age, where they are from, their jobs, Church callings, and the names of their wives and the number of children they have. This Father’s Day, we would like to offer a glance at how they have been magnifying their most important calling in life: fatherhood.
We have asked their families to weigh in on the subject and the verdicts are in.
Elder Edmarc R. Dumas

Elder Edmarc R. Dumas, 43, Talisay City, Philippines; assistant temple recorder for Cebu City Philippines Temple, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints; currently serving as president of the Cebu City Philippines Stake; former bishop, bishopric member, and stake presidency member; wife: Donna Dell; five children.

“When I was single, I was taught that one of the most important things I should look for in a potential spouse is to see how he acts as a Priesthood. As Pres. Thomas S. Monson taught, a true holder of the priesthood of God has the characteristics of vision, effort, faith, virtue, and prayer.
“I found that in Edmarc.

“I knew that someday those characteristics would also make him into a great father. Now, almost 18 years after, I know he is and will continue to be a wonderful father. I am grateful that Edmarc is a great example for our four sons. If there is anything I want my children to be in the future, regardless of the career they choose to pursue, it is for them to always be true to the Priesthood holder just like their father.“
–Sister Donna Dell B. Dumas

“I see my dad as a great and wise leader and has taught us a lot about being good and responsible in our own callings. He is also my big inspiration for playing basketball.”
-Ethan Alexander, 16
“My Dad teaches me to be a better person. He always teaches us gospel principles and supports me in learning new skills so I can prepare for the future.”
-Evan Riley, 14
“I love Daddy because he helps me with many things and he is very funny.”
-Eames Jesse, 8
“I love my daddy because he buys me my favorite foods.” 😊
-Enzo Linden, 5
Elder Norman C. Insong

Elder Norman C. Insong, 58, Catalunan Grande, Philippines; Seminaries and Institutes coordinator, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints; currently serving as assistant area auditor of the Olongapo Coordinating Council; former bishop, branch president, district president, high councilor, stake presidency member, and stake president; wife: Barbara; eight children.

Norman: Father of Eight and Grandfather of Four
“Discipline and fun were values Norman worked on as we started our eternal journey. We were young and made some mistakes, but we learned to laugh at ourselves, evaluate, and move on as we trudged on through life.

“We learned important and valuable lessons from wise friends and family who taught us. Our children got their share of spanking when they misbehaved until a friend taught Norman to ‘Spare the Rod, Spoil the Child.’ He said that the word of God, when taught to our children, will have a more lasting effect than spanking will ever have.
“Now that our children are grown up and have children of their own, it is with joy that we look back and think of the challenges we went through as we raised them. We emphasized the importance of serving missions to them and we are grateful that they chose the better part. We felt that their missions will ultimately prepare them for future responsibilities. Three of our returned missionaries have married in the temple and we are so happy that we witnessed them start their own eternal families in the House of the Lord.
“Now we will be sending off our eighth and youngest child to his own mission. He has been called in the most extraordinary of times and I know that he is being prepared for this time. His older sister is coming home from her mission this month, and we are hoping everything will go well so she can safely come home.”
–Sister Barbara Ann P. Insong, wife of 35 years

When asked to describe their father in one word, here’s what their eight children they had to say:
Morning person

The following words were also nominated: “impulsive buyer” and “perfectionist,” the latter most applicable to his high standards in cooking rice.
Elder Jose G. Manarin

Elder Jose G. Manarin, 63, Marikina City, Philippines; real estate broker, self-employed; currently serving as president of the Marikina Philippines Stake; former bishop, branch president, high councilor, and stake presidency member; wife: Alice; seven children.
“I have always looked up to my father. He inspires me to be a better disciple of God whenever I see him in his priesthood attire and each time he gives counsel from the pulpit. We rarely sit with him in the congregation, but he does sit with us in our family home evening and family council.
“As a businessman, I admire his humility, charity, and compassion despite being treated unfairly. His example of honesty and integrity are my guiding principles in my professional endeavors.
“He inspired me to serve a mission and marry in the temple because he showed me the blessings it will bring, one of which is having an eternal family. I watched him selflessly give his all to our family. When dad and mom were married, they barely had anything. He worked during the day and went to school at night. He used to straighten crooked nails for a living. No job was too small as long as it helped support his family.

“He sacrificed without complaining. I remember when we were little, there was a power interruption one night and dad got a blanket and used it as a fan so we could sleep comfortably. I also never heard him utter ill-words despite disappointment and setbacks. In college when I received failing marks in two major subjects, I was afraid of being reprimanded but he was very understanding and just encouraged me to do better. He speaks the words that I need to hear and learn.
“He may not tell me all the things I need to know but he definitely shows me the things I need to live by.”
–Angelica Manarin-Pablo, fourth out of seven children
Elder Arlen M. Tumaliuan

Elder Arlen M. Tumaliuan, 49, Santiago City, Philippines; facilities manager in the Philippines Area, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints; currently serving as president of the Santiago Philippines North Stake; former bishop, branch president, high councilor, and stake presidency member; wife: Juvy; three children.
For Elder Tumaliuan, his two surviving children (Kevin Clyde, 23 and Sariah Zyra, 17) decided to write a song that describes their father and how they feel about him.
I know a man, who's working day and night
Making sure everything's alright
he’ll be there by my side
Whenever I fall
He's there to reach me when I call
He taught me to be Brave
And that he'll never change
He taught me everything I should know
He's there to guide me where I should go
He loves me even at my worst
I couldn't ask for more
Whenever I get into trouble
You always had my back
A faithful husband and a father
Comforts me when I'm sad
You're my best friend, my protector
I'm happy you’re my dad
Remember when I said I truly love you.
He always makes me laugh
With all his silly jokes
He's just one of a kind
A simple-hearted guy
He's not a man of few words
He talks a lot within
He always loves to sing
Those precious little things
He built a home, our humble abode
I still look up to him
I'm happy that I have him as my dad
And with that I sing
Repeat Chorus
Someday when I'm all grown up
I'll remember all the memories that we have
I'll never forget
Repeat Chorus

From Kevin:
“The lyrics were mostly written by my sister. She didn’t want to do a cover, she said the song has to be an original so it will really express how we feel about our dad. I did the music and video production and it was not easy. Shooting the video was spontaneous and fun, but the editing was hard. Still, everything was worth it!
“My father brought out my musical side, though mommy also played a big part. He taught me how to listen to songs carefully and that’s where I got my ability to play by ear. Thanks to him, I can play a song just by listening to it a few times). He also encouraged me to join the stake choir and because of that, I’m the one directing our stake choir now. He listens to our concerns and problems and tells his personal experiences growing up as a kid. To value money, to always find time to help, be kind, and charitable.
“He always makes me laugh, with all his silly jokes - daddy is notorious for his dad jokes, but they always cheer us up. I got my sense of humor from him.
“I know a man, who's working day and night, making sure everything’s alright, He’ll be there by my side - I remember when I was in grade 3, we didn’t have money to buy food so dad collected scrap metal, bottles and other junk to sell. He will do anything to provide for his family, he doesn’t want to see us starve. Even with his calling and work, he will always make time for us. He will find a way to make everything all right.
“Recently, I got into a vehicular accident when I hit a van with my motorcycle. It was my first accident and I didn’t know what to do. I called him immediately, and he came to the rescue. He talked to the other party and made arrangements for the repairs. He lovingly scolded me and reminded me that I should always be careful.
“Dad you’re the best gift that a son, a daughter, and a wife could have. We understand that you do make mistakes but that doesn’t make you less of a dad. You’ve done so much for us and I can never repay you in this lifetime but I promise you I will do my best to be what you want me to be: a good father, a faithful husband, and a worthy priesthood holder, a man of God.”
From Sariah:
“Creating the song was not easy: we came up with the melody first before we wrote the lyrics. We wrote down his qualities as our father and his habits. It was tiring to record the song over and over again, doing trial and error just to perfect it, but it was all be worth it because it was made for the best dad in the whole world. He was our inspiration behind our work.
'He loves me even at my worst I couldn't ask for more - these lyrics made me realize how much my father appreciates my efforts in doing something. When I got low grades in Math, instead of scolding me he encouraged me to do better, telling me whatever grade I get he would still be proud of me because I did my best. He would wake me up early in the morning during exam weeks and tutor me until I passed and got a high grade. All his efforts made me admire and love him more.
“Dad, I hope you like this gift that we made just for you. All the things I want to say to you are in this song. Kuya and I spent a lot of time working on this song in secret and there were times we almost got caught. We hope you didn't suspect anything so this will still be a surprise. We love you! ◼︎