March 5, 2021
As the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints celebrates 60 years in the Philippines, the Philippines Area Presidency released a timeline detailing significant events in the growth of the Church of Jesus Christ in the Philippines.

Elder Yoon Hwan Choi invites members to join in this celebration of faith. “Whether you have been a member for long years or a recent convert, whether you are in the Philippines or abroad, whether you are young or old, each one of you is an important part of the 60 years of the Church history in the Philippines. Let us rejoice together with one accord pressing forward with the Lord who invites us to follow Him. It is a great time for us to start a new era of the church here', he said.
Elder Steven R. Bangerter invites all to take a closer look at the Church Timeline and reflect on their personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
“I invite everyone to ponder this wonderful history, from the earliest days when servicemen brought the good news of the gospel to these beautiful people isles of the sea, up to and including our present-day. Reflect on the sacred, significant days of your life in the gospel, such as the first time you met missionaries, your first sensation of knowing by a witness of the Holy Spirit that the Book of Mormon was the word of God, the day you entered the waters of baptism, the first time you stood at a pulpit to deliver your first testimony to a congregation of Saints, or your first sacred experience in the Lord’s Holy Temple.”
“The rich history of the gospel of Jesus Christ in the Philippines is a legacy of faith, the heritage of a humble people desirous to submit their will to the will of our Heavenly Father, by allowing God to prevail in their lives. This is the history of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the Philippines,” he added.
Elder Taniela B. Wakolo asks members of the Church to look forward to the future. 'What pattern do you see when you look to the future? In the next 40 years of the Church in the Philippines, more stakes, missions, and temples will be everywhere and all around us. More members will be among us. They will bear stories of their own. This Church will fill the world', he concluded. ◼︎
Learn more about the release of the Church Timeline for 60 Years Celebration on Newsroom.