Near the conclusion of his earthly ministry Jesus taught the parable of the talents. To the servant who was faithful in multiplying his talents the Lord declared “Well done, thou good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things.”[1]
In this same spirit we have felt the Lord's approval of the remarkable achievement by members of the church throughout the Philippines who have answered the call to serve full-time missions. Now, having done well with this call to action, the Lord has granted a heightened vision for the future. Our motto has been “I Will Go I Will Serve.” As each youth declares their commitment, they see on the stage of their mind themselves serving as a missionary. Young men see themselves one day wearing a white shirt and tie, young women see themselves wearing a dress and they both see themselves receiving a call from the prophet to spread the good news of the gospel.
The Savior’s pivotal role in our lives has now been more perfectly impressed upon our minds and our hearts. As we move forward, the whispering spirit of the Holy Ghost inspires us to have a clear focus on the Savior…on His role in all we do along the covenant path and as we pursue and answer a call to serve. In preparing to go and serve, we must first and foremost see Jesus Christ as the reason we do all that we do. Coming unto Christ is our primary motivating focus. We come unto Christ as we participate in the ordinances and covenants of the temple. We must not see the temple and receiving temple ordinances and covenants merely as a box to be checked off on the way to serving a full-time mission. Our focus on coming unto Christ causes us to recognize the critical role the temple plays in bringing us to him.

Our focus in what we do as members of the Church is on the empowering, enabling power that comes through our Savior, Jesus Christ. We know that He was appointed by our Heavenly Father to bring the gospel to the world, to organize the Church of Jesus Christ, and to enact the infinite atonement and glorious resurrection. Our Savior’s life and ministry makes all that we do meaningful.
To little children Jesus declared “come unto me, for of such is the kingdom of heaven.”[2] He warmly invited those who are heavily laden with the burdens and cares of life saying “come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest”[3]; and to all who thirst for living water, that is, the gospel of Jesus Christ, he proclaimed “come unto me and drink.”[4]
In light of the Savior’s beckoning invitation, we now invite all members of the church to focus more precisely, more fully, more fervently on how we can draw nearer to Christ through the ordinances and covenants made in the temple. In the ordinances and covenants the Spirit of the Holy Ghost draws us nearer to Christ. We become sanctified, and we are empowered to serve others just as our Savior has served us.
The vision we introduce now is to see ourselves coming unto Christ and deepening our personal relationship with him, and through him, with our Heavenly Father. As we draw near to our Savior, his life, ministry, atoning sacrifice become the motivating force in all we do.
Our rallying cry has been “I Will Go I Will Serve.” We set forth today the invitation with a commitment. Now we declare, “Come Unto Christ: I Will Go, I Will Serve.” In the pause between “Come Unto Christ” and “I Will Go,” our thoughts should be filled with the desire and commitment to come nearer to Christ by participating in the ordinances of the temple. In the ordinances we receive a witness of the Holy Ghost of the Savior’s attributes. His character, love and compassion are more fully revealed to our hearts, minds and spirits. That revelation, in the midst of those ordinances, drives us forward with a desire to serve others.
In the October 2022 General Conference, President Nelson counselled us all to FOCUS ON THE TEMPLE. He declared: “It is His house. It is filled with His power. Let us never lose sight of what the Lord is doing for us now. He is making His temples more accessible. He is accelerating the pace at which we are building temples. He is increasing our ability to help gather Israel. He is also making it easier for each of us to become spiritually refined. I promise that increased time in the temple will bless your life in ways nothing else can.”[5]

In our new logo, we see “Come Unto Christ: I Will Go, I Will Serve.” We also see members of the Church focused on developing a closer relationship with Jesus Christ by entering the temple and participating in sacred ordinances and covenants. Then, they exit the temple empowered with a renewed, heightened, brighter commitment to serve. This logo has been cast and produced as a pin for brethren, and a beautiful pendant for sisters. It will be distributed as an emblem of our desire to experience the reality of this vision in our lives.
No longer will we simply declare “I Will Go, I Will Serve” and only think of missionary service. With this heightened vision and our enhanced understanding, we now declare “Come Unto Christ, I Will Go” to the ordinances of the temple and by the enabling power of those ordinances and covenants “I Will Serve” God with all my heart. This heightened vision will indeed empower this great nation to increase our numbers of full-time missionaries, but it will also empower us in every other way to live the gospel Jesus Christ. Families will become more faithful as they unite to participate in the ordinances of the temple with a common goal to obtain the crowning ordinances of the temple, even the sealing of families for all eternity. We will be driven to have a calling and to be more committed and desirous to serve others as we magnify our callings.

T-shirts depicting the new logo will be distributed to all active youth and young single adults in the Philippines between the age of 12-30. The colors of the shirts are the same as the FSY colors the Church has selected for 2023.
Along with the T-shirts, the pins and pendants bearing the logo of this heightened vision will be distributed to all active youth and adults throughout the Philippines. These tokens are emblems of our desire to unite together and draw near to the Savior.
Filipino Saints have been a light to all the world in answering the call to serve full-time missions. Though we now forge ahead with a new logo and a heightened vision, we do not leave behind the great miracle of Filipino youth answering the call to serve full time missions. President Nelson declared in April of 2022, “Today I reaffirm strongly that the Lord has asked every worthy, able young man to prepare for and serve a mission…Missionary service is a priesthood responsibility for Latter-day Saint young men…For you young and able sisters, a mission is also a powerful but optional opportunity…what you contribute to this work is magnificent! Pray to know if the Lord would have you serve a mission, and the Holy Ghost will respond to your heart and mind.”[6]
In the coming years, as we align with our declaration “Come Unto Christ: I Will Go, I Will Serve” we will one day see tens of thousands of Filipinos serving missions and we will remember back on the 4600 Missionary Miracle and fondly declare…it was a good start.
President Nelson stated, 'The temple lies at the center of strengthening our faith and spiritual fortitude because the Savior and His doctrine are the very heart of the temple. Everything taught in the temple, through instruction and through the Spirit, increases our understanding of Jesus Christ. His essential ordinances bind us to Him through sacred priesthood covenants. Then, as we keep our covenants, He endows us with His healing, strengthening power.'[7]
Coming unto Christ and going to the temple are inseparably connected, and this is what we want to impress upon the youth as they prepare to go and serve.
[1] Matthew 25:21
[2] Matthew 19:14
[3] Matthew 11:28
[4] John 7:37
[5] Russell M. Nelson, “Focus on the Temple,” October 2022 General Conference.
[6] Russell M. Nelson, “Preaching the Gospel of Peace,” April 2022 General Conference.
[7] Russell M. Nelson, “The Temple and Your Spiritual Foundation,” October 2021 General Conference.